What is Call Tracking ?

Identify Which Advertising Campaigns Drive Results

Powerful call tracking for businesses and agencies to advance your marketing strategy


What is Call Tracking?

Have you ever found yourself asking a caller, "How did you come across our business?" With our call tracking software, you'll have that information even before you answer the call. What's more, you'll be able to identify which advertisement, campaign, or keyword caught their eye.

Just think about the potential of knowing the reason behind each call from your contacts, every single time they get in touch. By comprehending what triggers your phone calls (and text messages), you can stop squandering money on ineffective strategies.

How Call Tracking works

Call Tracking operates by utilizing dynamic number insertion (DNI) to monitor online activities such as PPC ads, emails, social media posts, and keywords. It also employs source-level tracking to trace the calls originating from offline marketing materials such as advertisements, mailers, brochures, billboards, and more.

In essence, any platform where a phone number can be placed can be tracked.

Moreover, you will not only be able to identify the sources of your calls but also obtain each lead's name, number, and location. With Call Matrix, there is an added advantage of being able to record your calls.


Analytics, ROI, A/B Testing, Client Feedback

  1. Measure the ROI of each advertising campaign: Track the number of leads or sales generated from each campaign and compare it to the amount spent on advertising to determine the return on investment.
  2. Conduct A/B testing: Run different advertising campaigns simultaneously and measure their effectiveness in driving results. Compare the results of each campaign to identify which one is more successful in generating leads or sales.
  3. Analyze customer feedback: Collect feedback from customers who have encountered your advertising campaigns to determine which ones resonated with them the most. This can help identify which campaigns are driving results and which ones are not.
  4. Monitor website traffic: Track the amount of traffic driven to your website by each advertising campaign. Analyze which campaigns are bringing in the most traffic and are resulting in conversions.
  5. Utilize analytics tools: Use analytics tools such as Google Analytics to monitor the performance of your advertising campaigns. Track key metrics such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated to identify which campaigns are driving results.
  6. Seek expert advice: Consider consulting with advertising experts or agencies to help you analyze the effectiveness of your campaigns and identify which ones are driving results. They can provide valuable insights and recommendations on how to optimize your advertising efforts.
Phone Number

(800) 874-0396

Email Address

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We’re growing the last communications community to strength high-quality, secure, affordable, speedy connections to effect people’s lives anywhere.



| Schedule

  • Monday - Friday
  • 09:00 AM - 06:00 PM
  • Saturday
  • 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  • Sunday
  • Closed